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The future now

Innovation and AI, the key
for high life quality and
economy grow

Jacobit Croxnet Hasterix Our innovations
  • Mobile & Web Application     As a Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering company, we develop some softwares that hold our researches results and solve many problems. Some of those softwares are:

    1. Binspot Pixel (Beta)

           Binspot Pixel is a mobile and web application for picture and videos management. It hold our computer vision works with DeeperLab.

           In addition to the ability to manage pictures and videos it will be possible to securely backup and share your media through our cloud system.

           With DeeperLab integrated, it will be possible to use trained Artificial Neural Network to increase media resolution without quality lost, identified object in picture and video and more.

           If you wan to be one one of our first user you can download the mobile app from Play Store on Android.

    2. Croxnet (Upcoming)
      Croxnet is our web application that expose our Cloud services to the public.

    3. Yda (Upcoming)
      Yda is a web and mobile application for a life without phisical document
  • Artificial Neural Network      In many situations, in front of many problems, human intelligence show its limits and sometime it need more than a decade to solve the problems that it can solve. The best and fast solution for this limitation is AI because of our advanced knowledge about computer software and hardware.
         At Binspot, our main purpose is to create an advanced general AI to extend human intelligence. Doing this will help us understand more accurately biological systems like animals, vegetables and more. With this AI we will also be able to automate all redundant tasks and focus on what is important.
         For this purpose, we have a team of researchers and engineer that will collaborate to make this dream a reality. Our first research projects are about Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Human Machine Interaction, Concept of Imagination at Computer Side...
         Big deals require big means, so we develop DeeperLab to help our Researchers and Enginears to focus on the problem and have a simulated environment to test their hypothesis.
  • Partnerships & Milestones      Are you a tech company that need to an advanced technologies to run your business?
         We are open to a constructive and objective partnerships. With our pay as you go services, even a early stage business can grow.
  • About us and our Team      For our fours departments (AI, Computer Software, Robotic, Design Mackating) we have a team of passionate youth.